A couple of weeks ago, I was driving home from a function in Anchorage and I hit a moose calf that was crossing the Glenn Highway. It was nine o'clock-ish and I saw the mama moose run across and tried to stop, but I couldn't stop in time to not hit the moose calf. That 'little' moose (I say little, but it was as tall as the hood of the Suburban) caused over $12,000 in damage to the car, which lead us to get a newer Suburban. I managed not to get injured during the accident, only a minor burn on my arm from the air bag, but it was traumatic to say the least. Luckily, my friend was up ahead of me and I called her and see came back around to wait with me since Kyle was at home with the kids. What an adventure, not only that, but the tow guy was jerking me around which lead to me going to the cop on duty and having him straighten it out and my friend that was waiting with me, her car died and we had to get it jumped. Well, police don't carry jumper cables, so we had to track down the moose cavalry (they come and get the roadkill to be given to charity for food) to see if they had jumper cables, luckily they did. What a night. So, next time, you see wildlife on the road, think of me and be safe!!

Suburban + Moose = New Suburban